The Idea and The Business

Unemployment is on the increase! The frustration is real! The hustle is getting harder! Many are getting involved in acts they could never have believed they will. 

Do we blame them?

But, do you know that not everyone sings the same "no job- no money" song?

Some have it better for them as they finally manage to raise capital for a business.

 These ones rush into any 'beautiful' business and are soon frustrated because they cannot expand their reach beyond friends and family, who even patronise them without paying. Then all the thousands they struggled to raise disappears.

Then there's that few who have very helpful friends and family. They keep going to them for money to start one business today and another one tomorrow.

 Now, no one wants to hear them out again, because they've been jumping from one business to another without making progress.

Not having what to do is sickening.
Not having money to meet basic needs is frustrating.
Not having both is brutal.

Many have committed suicide because of this.

You don't have to do so. Who says you can't be like that few who smile to the bank monthly and are not moved by the economic situation? What makes them different?

Something they know.

THE IDEA AND THE BUSINESS is a down-to-earth practical business guide; the 21st Century business navigator. It is a concise guide on spotting the right business amongst the countless options, and keeping the business running and booming even with the unending competition.

It'll teach you:

- How to spot the right business idea, so you stop wasting money on various money doubling Ponzi schemes.

- How to make your idea unique and attract people to you alone.

- How to start your business in grand style, dodging all the mistakes start ups make.

- How to expand your business and make more sales, so you smile to​ the bank weekly.

Would you rather keep wasting thousands and millions trying out every business that comes your way?

Do you want to change your business and smile to the bank weekly?

Comment below to get THE IDEA AND THE BUSINESS for N1000.

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