Mastering Your Finances (2)
Gaining financial freedom and mastery hasn't got too much to do with the nature of job, business or trade you are involved in. Yes, these are important, and is the foundation to gaining financial standing but it is not the ultimate.
We all have goals that we work towards achieving, and more often than not, the medium to achieving these goals is largely dependent on our finances. Another reason why mastering our finances is pivotal.
As in the first part of this write up, it doesn't end at understanding the importance of saving, in fact that's the starting point. The key to achieving your future goals is the ability to be disciplined in your art of saving: maintaining consistency in your saving.
Disciplined saving is the key to financial freedom. Yes, unexpected circumstances could arise in the course of life but you shouldn't let them kick you off balance. Nothing should reduce your discipline level! Always remember the the reason you started saving, and let that be your motivation.
The people who are disciplined savers are the ones who truly succeed financially.
You made up your mind to save 5000 monthly to build a house in two years time? Good idea, But consistency and discipline is what makes the house a reality.
Financial security is only guaranteed to the one who is disciplined enough to achieve it, not the one who starts and couldn't keep up.
The goal is the target. Saving is the way.
Discipline and consistency sustains saving on the way to the target.
Go save money!
Below is the link to the first part of this write up.
Written by:
Kelvin Daniels
Financial Strategist
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